KeyShot 4 - Powerful new features, and the rendering speed you need.
Simple updates to the most remarkable user interface for rendering. Inventive new method to illuminate your products and scenes. More material and color options than ever before. Enhancements that completely integrate visual production within your product development process. This is KeyShot 4.

KeyShot + Animation + KeyShotVR
The standard version of KeyShot with rendering, animation and interactive KeyShotVR capabilities, including:
  • 2.1 megapixel realtime resolution
  • 4.1 megapixel offline rendering resolution
  • Part and object animation
  • Camera animation
  • Multiple turntable animations
  • Interactive setup, editing and playback in realtime raytraced environment
  • Individual frame or compiled movie output (Quicktime, AVI, FLV)
  • Interactive, web-enabled 3D viewing with KeyShotVR creation
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Dưới đây là 1 số hình ảnh 3D sử dụng keyshot do mình làm minh họa :