08-10-2008, 05:19 AM #1
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Rapidshare Search Engine Mayoko 1.1.3-Tiện ích tìm kiếm file trên kho lưu Rapidshare
Rapidshare Search Engine Mayoko 1.1.3 l 373 KB
Nếu bạn đang cần tìm link rapidshare cho bộ phim, một albums nhạc, một phần mềm hay bất cứ một file gì thì Mayoko sẽ giúp bạn làm điều đó một cách dễ dàng và nhanh chóng. Chỉ cần nhập từ khóa cần tìm và enter ngay lập tức Mayoko sẽ liệt kê một loạt các websites có link bạn cần.
Welcome to the world's largest file search engine!
If you have ever searched for, sent or received any files online, you've probably heard of RapidShare - the world's premium site for uploading files. Literally millions of files are uploaded to RapidShare every day; from photos and movies, to music albums, to software packages. But there is onlyne one problem... RapidShare doesn't allow you to search their files. So if you are looking for something specific, you don't know where to go.
And here's our solution!
We have built a sophisticated software that locates RapidShare file links on the Web and allows you to search for them. Your only task is to enter your keywords, such as movie title, actress name, song or album title, and so on. Our software will browse through the Web looking for RapidShare links with your keywords in the title or description, and will present you a comprehensive list with results.
The whole RapidShare world - at your fingertips...
Our software allows you to search the 3.5 Petabytes (yes, that's 3,500,000,000,000,000 bytes!) of files that are stored on RapidShare servers. From now on, whatever file you want to find, you'll get it there.
Nhấn Vào Đây Để Tải Về
08-10-2008, 05:26 AM #2
Silver member
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tìm dc mà ko down dc thì cũng thế thôi :Ma (89):
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