01-28-2014, 06:37 PM #1
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[Eushully] Madou Koukaku ~Yami no Tsuki Megami wa Doukoku de Utau-ENG interface
Tên: Madou Koukaku ~Yami no Tsuki Megami wa Doukoku de Utau~
hay 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~
Thể loại: Visual novel, RTS (Total War mình hoàn toàn mù thể loại này)
Nhà sản xuất: Eushully
Ngày phát hành: 26/04/2013
Dung lượng: 7.85GB
Thời gian chơi: >50h
Cấu hình yêu cầu:
+ OS: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista
+ CPU: Pentium ® 4 2GHz
+ Memory: 1GB
+ DirectX: DirectX9.0c
+ VRAM: 128MB or more
+ Number of Colors: Full Color 32-bit
+ Resolution: 800 × 600
link: Torrent: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?89c1ps64xn51jmy(dù là link torrent nhưng tốc độ cũng được lắm, mình chĩ mất 1 buổi để down)
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/nkn4zcp7zadqs/MD
Patch 1.03:http://download.eukleia.co.jp/eushully/support/koukaku_103.exe
ENG Interface :http://www.mediafire.com/download/56e997hm2b2w8aw/Madau+Interface+v+0.4.4.rar
Sơ lược: Đế quốc Merukia, một cường quốc trong năm nước lớn ở khu trung tâm đại lục Raulbhach
Trên danh nghĩa của đức vua, đất nước nằm dưới sự quản lý của bốn thống lĩnh (field Marshal) đầy tài năng.
Phía đông Merukia, khu vực Santaks hiện nay đang bị chìm trong sự tấn công dữ dội từ liên minh kẻ thù cũ Yoon Gasol.
Hoàng đế Merukia sau khi nhận được tin thống lĩnh vùng phía đông tử trận đã vô cùng tức giận và ra lệnh cho thống lĩnh phía nam đưa quân tiếp viện đến cho khu vực Santaks - hiện đã biến thành một chiến trường thảm khốc.
Quân tiếp viện không ai khác chính là đội quân của nhân vật chính - Weisheit Zehnder.
(From vndb)
[SPOILER]Melkia Empire -East Capital Centakus
Main Character's Province
Weissheit Zerinder(Weiss) ((ヴァイスハイト・ツェリンダー (ヴァイス))
General who led the army under the prime minister Olfan. He was sent with troops to recapture territory lost to enemy - Melkia East Capital Centakus. Skilled in seducation and suavity, yet honest and strong, such are his seemingly contradictory traits. Weiss is the illegitimate child that was born in the lineage between a servant and the former emperor, and became an exceptionally strong person both in mind and body, aspiring to one day be among the elites of the empire so as to stop being looked down on the rest of the aristocrats of Melkia as the "stain of royalty".
Liselle L'ourson (リセル・ルルソン)
Only daughter of Olfan, she joined up with Weiss as his aide. Both are about same age. She possesses a rare skill called "Total Recall" which lets her retain perfect memory of anything she has ever seen and heard without forgetting it. However, because of this Liselle continues to have the painful memories of her mother's demise at an early age, and had emotionally isolated herself. She eventually opened up thanks to the kind treatment of Weissheit, and now has her mind set to walk alongside him.
Aru (アル)
Aru is a mechanical doll about 70 centimeters tall and one of "Magical Skilled Shells" (Madou Koukaku). She has very sparse emotions and always thinks and acts logically. Out of the four months that exist she represents and takes name after the Moon Goddess Arutanu, governing the "Moon of Darkness". She joins Weiss under certain circumstances, and decides to learn and remember his actions and ideas which come together as his personality.
Melkia Empire
メルキア帝国 -Magical-Tech Weapon Nation-
Jiltania Viz Merkiana (ジルタニア・フィズ・メルキアーナ)
Present emperor governing the Empire of Melkia, and half-brother of Weissheit. In order to bring further prosperity to his country Jiltania expands his territory. He takes it as essential to promote development and reaserch - he belives the ultimate magic weapon is absolute power. Governs in a radical way, he will even use prohibited art and magic that lead to major incidents in the middle of research.
Eifelia Prada (Eida) (エイフェリア・プラダ (エイダ))
The Marshal who governs Western Capital Burnie. Granddaughter of the famous Veluroka Prada (from Battle Goddess Zero) - person who has revived the country by the magic art. She looks very young because of her dwarven lineage, her actual age is older. While promoting the development of technology by magic, and building a friendly relationship with other countries, using diplomacy, her presence is also referred as the pillar of Melkia.
Lune (リューン)
Lune is mechanical doll about 70 centimeters tall and one of Magical Skilled Shells. Helps her master Eifelia, who rules over the Western Capital Burnie, they have relationship as if they were real sisters. Out of the four months that exist she represents and gets her name from the Blue Moon Goddess Ryushion governing over "Blue Moon".
Olfan Zairud (オルファン・ザイルード)
Marshal governing over Melkia South Capital Dinasty as well as the prime minister of the empire. Has a clear mind and unwavering belief, in order to achieve his purpose, he is ready to do anything necessary to reach his goal. He is searching for a feasible and perfect alternative to magical weapons, one that will not have their limitations and will not change over the course of time. He is also the mentor of Weissheit, and father of Liesel.
Nafqa (ナフカ)
Nafqa is mechanical doll about 70 centimeters tall and one of the "Magical Skilled Shells" (Madou Koukaku). She continues to work as the aide of Olfan Zairud and secretly is in love with him. Out of the four months that exist she represents and takes name of the Mirror Moon Goddess Nafqas governing over "Mirror Moon".
Garmus Grizzler (ガルムス・グリズラー)
Marshal governing the territory of North Capital Kisara. Garmus is an old veteran who has long ruled the region and is called the toughest warrior of the empire, and has come to be known as the "Demon Lord" with respect and awe. Garmus watch the trends of other field marshals, standing neutral himself.
Bell (ベル)
Bell is mechanical doll about 70 centimeters tall and one of the "Magical Skilled Shells" (Madou Koukaku). She seems rational but seeks contact with marshal of North Capital Kisara - Garmus, while embracing the unconditional affection for him. Out of the four months that exist she represents and takes name of the Red Moon Goddess Belura governing over "Red Moon".
Yun・Gasoru Union
Industrial Nation
Gulandross Vasgan (ギュランドロス・ヴァスガン (Gyurandorosu Vasugan))
Gulandross became the ruler of Yun Gasoru Union several years ago. From that time he began to attack Melkia way more than ever before, believing it will give him victory. Since there is also a the same possibility of defeat, Gulandross is referred to as "Foolish King". But due to his diehard hedonism and strong belief, that country's development is king's duty, he continues to encourage people and they believe in flashy victory with enthusiasm.
Ruinn Sacculi (ルイーネ・サーキュリー (Ruine Sakyuri))
One of the Yun Gasoru Union Three Musketeers. She came up with a way to counter Melkia, responsible with internal affairs and diplomacy Ruinn is very skilled in art of conversation and uses her clever smile without fail. She is also childhood friend of Gualandross. Ruinn finds her enjoyment in living for king and is trying to grant him his wish.
Elmina Ekusu (エルミナ・エクス)
One of the Yun Gasoru Union Three Musketeers. Elmina was put in charge of the military service and ordered to develop heavy industry. Her task is to manufacture large quantities of new weapons to be sure that military will not lack them. Elmina is noble from aristocratic faction that withdrew from the kingdom Melkia. Their descendants do all what's in their power to respect the will of their ancestors in order to stop Melkia.
Patirna Shinku (Patty) (パティルナ・シンク (パティ))
One of the Yun Gasoru Union Three Musketeers. Patrina uses intuition rather than head to see through enemy. その対処方を導きだす戦の申し子で 戦況を変える切り札として行動する With tactics taken care of by Ruinn, and weapons made by Elmina, she fights in order to bring victory to Yun Gasoru Union with her own arms.
Annarotte Kingdom
アンナローツェ王国 -
Margireta Sirios (マルギレッタ・シリオス) Princess of Annarotte
Princess gained trust from nation's people withf her heart gentle character, despite her high status she is offering support to unfortunate and poor people. In contrary greedy nobles tend to dislike that form of charity and lust for gold. She wishes to govern kingdom in ideal way to put it back in right tracks, but suffers grealty from the fact that she must use dirty methods in order to do so.
Li Anes (リ・アネス) Annarorze 3rd Army General
Naga (dragon person) which throws herself to the battlefront in order to protect the nation. She became army instructor and serves Margireta since princess was young. She comes from Naga Tribe which are descendants of Old God(?) and with her vast knowledge she supports Princess in order to see how far she can grow.
Faith (フェイス (Feisu))
Annarorze Mercenary Troop Leader Faith serves as the head of the mercenary team which does not change a promise. Treated as male ***-slave had terrible childhood, his right eye and genitals were taken before Margireta became ruler. He posses excelent killing and superb command abilities, won't hestiate to carry out despicable deeds. Margireta tries to pierce his heart and lead it to the right path.
Zafuha Tribe Nation
ザフハ部族国 -Vasthal's Worshipper-
Alphimia Zara (アルフィミア・ザラ)
Zahufa nation leader, Alphimia came to rule by murdering whole famiy line of her predecessors in a bloody intrigue. She started to target Annarotte Kingdom as fast means of income, and soon she declared war upon them.
Neneka Harness (ネネカ・ハーネス)
Neneka leads beast troops of Zafuha and dosn't mind being hurt herself. She strongly admires Alphimia and will do anything for her. Her emotions are easly swayed up and down, but now she learnt to use them as disguise and gets confidance from them.
Ranahaim Kingdom
ラナハイム王国 -Magic City Nation-
Kreis Lill Ranaheim (クライス・リル・ラナハイム)
Kreis inherited throne when he was very young and from that time nad focuses on development of military power, magic and technology. He is constantly looking for a chance to change low status of his kingdom that is not eve recognized as proper country. Now finally after long time of lying low, golden opportunity arises.
Lacrille Seicrass (ラクリール・セイクラス )
After taking a lot of effort Lacrille attained position of King Guards Commander and now leads elite magic swordsman corps "Paradis Azul". She fights with melancholy in her heart knowing Kreis loves 1 his elder sister 2 as his elder sister.( its 1. he loves his elder sister' - confirmed ingame)
Feruano Lir Ranahaimu (フェルアノ・リル・ラナハイム)
Kreis older sister. She apperas so beautiful to eyes of man that word of her beauty travels to neighbouring countries, she is called woman of dangerous beuty. Ferunano has high sense of victory, and her pride won't allow for deafeat until Ranhaim Kingdom atains status equal to other countries. She taught Kreis that it takes preparation and pride to be true king.
Dragon Tribe
One of the many tribe
Ayr Cial (エア・シアル)
エレン・ダ・メイル (Erun-Da-Meiru) -Rune Elf Region- One of the many tribe
Elfaticia Nouget (エルファティシア・ノウゲート)
Meimei Anderstake (メイメイ・アンダステーク)
ドゥム=ニール(Dumu=niru) -Dwarf Region
Dalmagna Dora (ダルマグナ・ドーラ)
Zalmagus Gran (ザルマグス・グラン)
Principality of RumollneEdit
ルモルーネ公国 -Agricultural Nation-
Corona Frizini (コロナ・フリジーニ)
Coneria Village Girl
Gilch Securion (ギルク・セクリオン)
Wandering Hero[/SPOILER]
Nhận xét cá nhân:
1.Story: vì chưa chơi hết nên ko biết nói gì nhiều, nhưng nghe nói True Ending của game là god damn tear-jerker
Như Kamidory game này có 3 route chính, tùy thuộc vào mức độ mối quan hệ với các Marshal khác:
MagTech Route: trong route này, bạn sẽ tham gia với Elferia tạo ra new Mag Tech Weapon. Route này có thể dẫn đến True End và Normal End.
Magic Route: trong route này, bạn tham gia với Olfan thu thập Magical Creature. Route này chỉ có thể dẫn đến Normal End.
Overlord Route: (bạn nghĩ sẽ tham gia với Garmus ! wrong ! nếu đọc phần Character ở trên bạn sẽ thấy Garmus ở vị trí trung lập, đứng ngoài quan sát hành động của các Marshal khác).
Vậy làm sao để vào route này ? đơn giản, trong game này, bạn có thể xây dựng 1 Brothel (nom na là nhà thổ), cơ bản là bạn phải "ném'' tất các main nữ vào Brothel (có 15 hay 14 main nữ tùy vào bạn có install Append 01 hay ko) còn chi tiết mình sẽ nói sau.
Cũng như Kamidory game sẽ có 3 Ending chính:
True History Ending (True End): để lấy được End này bạn phải có quan hệ tốt với tất cả các quốc gia khác (nghĩa là phải giải cứu tất cả các main character, hoàn thành hết các quest của họ, và xem tất cả các Event của họ) nếu ko sẽ đi vào Rewritten History END.
Rewritten History END (Normal End): là end mà bạn sẽ thấy tương lai của nhân vật chính sau chiến tranh hay là tương lai của Weiss với 1 trong các heroine (có thể là nam hoặc nữ - cái này giống Grow Lanser dù mình chả thích end với mấy thằng đực rựa làm gì !) mà bạn chọn (dĩ nhiên bạn phải clear tất cả event của người đó mới chọn được). Một vài end có thể có:
Gulandross END - MagTech Route.
Lisele END - Magic Route (điều kiện là Centakus phải hợp nhất với Kisara, Eren de Mel, Mountain of Warning).(àh nói luôn, ai mới chơi ko nên theo end này vì phải solo với boss lv 30)
Feruano END
Margerita END
Neneka END
dĩ nhiên là còn nhiều người khác nữa.
Cuối cùng là Overlord End (hay mình gọi nó là Harem end) : chi tiết về nó có thể xem ở đây
[SPOILER]Điều kiện unlock 5 harem end:
- Đưa đủ 14 (15) em heroines vào Brothel
- Ko gây chiến các Marshal trước khi tiêu diệt hết các quốc gia của các em heroines.
Rumollne (Corona): tấn công trước khi bị Ranaheim tấn công.
Ranahaim Kingdom (Feruano and Lacrille): khi Feruano đến giảng hòa chọn:
-隷属を許す [Accept Lanaheim as subordination.]
-企みを潰す [Crush her plot.]
Clear các event sau đó đợi Kreis gây chiến rồi tiêu diệt.
Erendameil (Elfaticia): Tấn công trước khi vào chuỗi event flag.
Note: Mei-Mei sẽ biến mất và ko vào dc Brothel nhưng vẫn sẽ xuất hiện ở Harem End.
Dragon Tribe (Ayr-Cial): Tấn công trước hoặc ko dc vào các events của em ấy, khi ẻm đến viến thăm chọn: 今は戦わない [Not now].
Zafuha Tribe Nation (Neneka and Alfimia):
Sau khi tấn công Neneka chọn:
- 自分の手駒に加える [Make her my pawn.]
Sau khi hạ xong Zafha:
- アルフィミアの身を預かる [Keep her as a slave.]
Annarotte Kingdom (Margireta and Li Anes):
Sau khi Anes tấn công, chọn:
アンナローツェを叩き潰す [Crush Annarotte.]
Yun-Gasol (the three Musketteer): ko có event flag, tiêu diệt xong cả 3 em sẽ vào Brothel
Western Capital Banie (Eida): Sau khi chiếm, Eida và Lune sẽ tự gia nhập, ko đưa dc vào Brothel.[/SPOILER]2.Graphic: Không có gì đáng phàn nàn cả, nếu ko muốn nói là tuyệt vời. CG của game đã được thêm nhiều hiệu ứng rất mãn nhãn. còn H-CG thì mình chưa unlock được cái nào nên chưa biết !
3.Sound: vẫn như mọi khi + thêm bài OP nữa thì chẵng chê đâu được cả !
[FLASH]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=_ChWAfLzmKE#t=11 1s[/FLASH]
Main Character
Some Cute Girls
The force & nations
Picture in game
[/SPOILER]Tái bút: nếu ai có ý định dùng ''skip thần chưởng'' thì ko nên chơi game này !
vì chắc chắn sẽ có lúc ko biết phải làm gì cả !
link hướng dẫn True Route dành cho những ai cần: http://eushully.wikia.com/wiki/True_Route_Detailed_Walkthrough
(đây có lẽ là hướng dẫn cho phần newgame+ ở mức độ hard, các bạn nên cân nhắc trước khi xem !)
Chúc các bạn chơi vui !
01-28-2014, 06:44 PM #2
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01-31-2014, 08:07 PM #3
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Monster Fusion Recipe^^
11-28-2014, 10:45 PM #4
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alo, admin ơi, dịch giùm mình cái quest 227 và 230, yêu cầu là làm những gì được ko?
đây là quest 227
đây là quest 230
12-04-2014, 12:57 AM #5
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Gửi bởi CccZ
12-04-2014, 04:01 AM #6
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như game đánh bài
12-04-2014, 06:44 PM #7
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Gửi bởi huydaibang
12-06-2014, 09:17 PM #8
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Gửi bởi CccZ
Chỉ việc copy paste và thư mục cài game là đc
12-07-2014, 05:27 AM #9
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Gửi bởi huydaibang
01-10-2015, 02:02 AM #10
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AD ơi , mình bị lỗi này , giờ làm gì hả ad
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