Topic tổng hợp tất cả game NFS cho anh em
1. Need For Speed I: Special Edition
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2. Need For Speed II

*Minimum Configuration
90 MHz Pentium Class processor (Intel, Cyrix 6x86)
Windows® 95
Direct X 5.0 (included on game CD)
Quad speed CD-ROM drive (600KB/second transfer rate)
Hi Color (65,535 color) capable 1 MB PCI video card with DirectDraw 5.0 compatible driver
Hard Disk -- 10 MB plus space for save games (additional space required for DirectX 5.0 installation)
Keyboard and Monitor
*Recommended Configuration
Pentium 166 MHz or higher processor
3Dfx graphics accelerator card
Hard Disk -- 80 MB plus space for save games (additional space required for DirectX 5.0 installation)
Tải Về Với Pass
3. Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit
166MHz Pentium class processor or compatible or 133MHz Pentium class processor with graphics acceleration card
90MB free space for game plus space for save games (additional sace required for DirectX installation)
4X CD-ROM drive (600KB/second transfer rate) with Windows 95/98 CD-ROM driver
DirectX 5.0 or higher
Pentium 200MHz Pentium class processor or compatible
110MB free space for game plus space for save games
3Dfx graphics accelerator card
16-bit sound card with DirectX compatible sound driver
Tải Về Với Pass
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