Derrick the Deathfin is the world's very first underwater papercraft videogame!
It is out now on PC, Mac & PS3 &, with your help, soon to be on Steam too!
It's a fast-paced arcade action title set in a unique aquatic world made entirely out of paper & card. In the game Derrick rampages around the globe munching on paper creatures and destroying everything he sees under the guise of avenging the death of his parents.
Derrick would be a perfect fit for Steam, with integrated high scores, achievements, in big picture mode.... mmm imagine that!
OS: PC - Win 7, Vista and XP
Processor: 2.0 GHz single core
Hard Drive: 256 MB
Video Card: DirectX 9.0 compatabile video card
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Diamond Alnata Plus đầy đủ dịch vụ...