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  1. #1
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2015
    Bài viết

    Aone Ultra Video Splitter 6.2.0411 - Cắt nhỏ video chuyên nghiệp

    Aone Ultra Video Splitter 6.2.0411 | 10.27 Mb
    Ultra Video Splitter is a tool to help you split, cut or trim a large AVI(Divx, XviD, MPEG4), MPEG I/II, DVD(.VOB), RealMedia(.RM, .RMVB), VCD(.DAT), ASF/WMV file into smaller clips.Using the included video player, you can split a movie file to smaller clips in AVI/DivX ,MPEG I/II, VCD, SVCD, DVD, WMV/ASF format. Ultra Video Splitter provides different splitting mode to make splitting easy.You can extract multiple segments of any size by using the visual editing mode, or split the selection into multiple pieces of equal size automatically.Ultra Video Splitter is an application which helps you split video files.You even can use it to convert a single file.You can change the framerate, size etc as you like. The program does not require any technical experience and is very easy to use.

    Key Features:

    · Split,cut or trim large video file into smaller clips
    · Support large video file, even large then 2GB
    · Very fast and without any quality loss.
    · Very User-friendly interface
    · Supports AVI(Divx,XviD, MPEG4), MPEG I/II, DVD(.VOB), RealMedia(.RM, .RMVB), VCD(.DAT), ASF/WMV
    · All supported formats to MPEG1
    · All supported formats to MPEG2
    · All supported formats to VCD,SVCD,DVD(PAL,NTSC)
    · All supported formats to AVI(DivX,XviD, MPEG-4.....)
    · All supported formats to Windows Media Format (WMV/ASF)
    · Very easy to use.

    Home page - http://www.aone-soft.com/


  2. #2
    Ngày tham gia
    Nov 2015
    Bài viết
    lam on cho minh xin chuong trinh nay link chet roi ban :Happy-EverythingWentBetterThanExpected:



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